Uncertanty publications.

NIST Reference on Constants, Units and Uncertainty
Essentials of expressing measurement uncertainty.
On this page I found NIST Technical Note 1297 (TN 1297), prepared by B. N. Taylor and C. E. Kuyatt and entitled Guidelines for Evaluating and Expressing the Uncertainty of NIST Measurement Results. TN 1297

American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA)

National Quality Assurance (NQA)

National Association for Proficiency Testing (NAPT)

Agilent Single Measurment Uncertanty

I found this on Agilent web page at Helpful Resources "EA-4/02 Released in December 1999, this is a comprehensive (79 pages)  and authoritative publication (from Europe's official accreditation organisation). Other than price (FREE), what makes this especially valuable is the number of examples that are used to illustrate the uncertainty budgeting process."

This publication is distributed using the Adobe Acrobat portable document format but if your browser doesn't already have the (free) viewer installed, you'll need to download and install it first. Acrobat reader

EA-4/02 Expression of the Uncertainty of Measurement in Calibration